
This Department is also referred to as The Management Support Services Department is charged with the responsibility of providing management support to all functional departments and units in their operations.  It is composed of Administration, Information, Human Resource and Records management sub sectors. The Town Clerk is the Head of this Department.

  • To effect payment of staff salaries, gratuity, retirement benefits and pension.
  • To ensure departmental coordination, hold Technical Planning Committee and programme Management meetings.
  • To hold national celebrations, review and entertain visitors.
  • To ensure a clean working environment
  • To institute and implement the municipal appropriate structure,
  • To Network with Central Government and other development partners.
  • To equip staff with relevant laws and publications
  • To strengthen records management and information flow.
  • To build capacity of staff, stakeholders through attendance to workshops, seminars and conferences
  • To procure and maintain office equipment

Human Resource Management roles and responsibilities

  1. To build the capacity of staff and other stake holders, in the different fields.
  2. To formulate Five Year Capacity Building Plan
  3. To appraise staff on their performance
  4. To process, clean and update municipal pay roll.

 Records Management roles and responsibilities

  1. To establish and maintain a sound Records Management System
  2. To Receive and maintain records.

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Entebbe Municipal Council located just a few meters from Entebbe International Airport

Mon – Fri: 8:00 am – 6:00 pm

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