
The Production Department comprises of six key sub sectors namely; Crops, livestock, Fisheries, Entomology, Trade & Commerce. The department is responsible for provision of extension services to farmers, regulation and control of the activities of the agricultural industry in the municipality, control of crop, livestock and fish diseases, pests and parasites, collection and maintenance of agricultural statistics and data. The Department is headed by the Production Officer. The specific roles and responsibilities per sub sector are outlined below:


  1. Pest and Disease Control demonstrations/trainings both divisions.
  2. Quality assurance of all Agricultural inputs.
  3. Regulation and control of Agricultural activities.
  4. Distribution of planting materials for food security and increasing household incomes.


  1. Mobilizing farmers and staff to participate positively in developing the livestock resources.
  2. Controlling/preventive epidemic diseases in all livestock.
  3. Controlling livestock movement using community approaches.
  4. Regulating major livestock in inputs; feeds and drugs.
  5. Providing routine veterinary public health services.
  6. Developing basic veterinary infrastructure.


  1. Fisheries quality assurance
  2. Fisheries regulation and control
  3. Fish farming development as well as cage culture development

 Trade and Commerce

  1. Registration of all private sector enterprises for creation of data base and MIS for enterprises in the municipality.
  2. Equipping the private sector with entrepreneurial and business skills and Harmonize local taxation/licensing practices with national development strategies
  • Provide adequate supervision and technical guidance to Cooperative societies – enforce Compliancy to the Law, Accountability & Transparency in Cooperative Societies and Develop and support Marketing and Agro-Processing strategy

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